Hello wonderful people that visit this site!
Two blogs in one day? I must really love you guys....... In a 'thankyouforvisitingoursiteandlookingatmypageandbotheringtoreadthiswhile
I'monabitofasugarhigh' kind of way...

Anyway, I posted a question on my favorite books page, what is my favorite book? There are close to 100 books on there so you'd better start guessing...

Good Luck!
Bye-Bye to all the epic people that bother to read my strange rambles
Hello Everybodies!

I was at home today and realized that I had been neglecting this site for way too long. So I made up my mind that it was high time for me to give you guys an update on my life...

For those of you that don't know, I have an iPad. I love it dearly and it is my baby. I often go around school on Fridays and if anyone asks if they can play on it I tend to say something along the lines of "Don't touch my baby!"

But anyway, back to my original point. I write stories in the Notes app on my iPad. A novel, a couple of fan-fictions for some friends. And one of the best things is the spell-check. It saves my life and generally teaches me how to be a better author without all the annoying grammar stuff about not writing proper sentences. The spell-check is set to American English and I don't know how to change it. So Americans spell stuff differently from us epic Kiwi's and because I'm so used to seeing it on my iPad, I do it all the time.

So now when I spell colour or realise or something, I spell it as color or realize. I don't really mind this whole turning American thing because Americans are awesome.

So there was a bit of a R@N:D0M update on my life because I have been neglecting this website for a while and I feel really bad.

So if you want to contact us, comment or(if you don't want anyone else seeing what you say) email us at [email protected].



    Hey Everybody!
    I'm Amandie and I love to read. My favourite genres are Dystopian and Paranormal Romance. They sound pretty strange but both genres are AMAZING, I am also a HUGE fantasy fan, and as long as it's not to rainbow ponies and unicorns, I will eat it up.
    I am also a very, very proud member of N.E.R.D.S


    September 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012

